User1980's avatarUser1980
Hello, I would like to know how do you usually deal with meta tags in a vue app when hooking it up to Laravel please. I do not build SPA and would like to start, but I am really no sure how this will affect Seo as a whole. I would love to hear some f
vincent15000's avatarvincent15000
Hello, With a pure Laravel / blade app, I have a problem : when the pages load, the screen becomes white for a while and the pages loads (less than one second), and this generates a sensation of blinking. This comes probably from the JS scripts loadi
Fzoltan87's avatarFzoltan87
Hi, How can I achieve in Laravel 11 that Number::forHumans(10000000, precision: 2) returns only the value without the unit (so the result would be 10.00 instead of 10.00 million)? Thank you for your help.
Logarithmique's avatarLogarithmique
Hi !, I'm currently dev an ecommerce app, everythings work great ( love Laravel ) , on a lot of model i put an Index column which is for display purpose only. I let the admin the possibility of reorder the display. For example if he want to show some
encodetocode's avatarencodetocode
I’m gathering requirements for building the backend and API for a TikTok-like app and trying to decide between Laravel and Node.js. Which is better for handling real-time features, heavy media uploads, and high concurrency? Any advice on performance,
peter_opps's avatarpeter_opps
Hello, I am currently building a Dashboard that performs multiple "fetch()" requests to the server to get data for the different charts. I am developing locally with Laravel Sail under Windows/WSL. Looking at the Chrome DevTools Network Wat
panthro's avatarpanthro
How can I add a leading zero to a text input? const day = ref(''); <input type="text" v-model="day" /> So, I've tried a watcher: watch(day, (newValue) => { day.value = newValue.toString().padStart(2, '0'); }); Thi
Shivamyadav's avatarShivamyadav
my validation while updating the course data by id $request->validate([ 'title' => 'required|min:3|unique:courses,title,' . $id, ]); getting this validation msg (even i am passing the current editing course id ) The title has alr
msslgomez's avatarmsslgomez
I'm trying to merge two images together but it's not working, the images dont get merged at all. This is my full code, whats happening is: first check if report images does exist generate image with rectangles and transparent background to place ove
GeorgeKala's avatarGeorgeKala
Hi everyone, I'm working on a system to calculate employee KPIs based on the actions they take during negotiations, this functionality contains returning of KPI and percentage of employee's kpi, according its created action, i am creating KPI here ch
aliaboussebaba's avataraliaboussebaba
Hey Laravel folks, I'm using Laravel Horizon, but when serializing models, it serialize everything including sensitive data like hashed password, tokens and so on. And it shows all these details in the dashboard. The SerializesModels trait help to se
krytletters's avatarkrytletters
I have multiple sites running php 8.1 and 8.2 but when I switch to 8.3 for a site ngix dies trying to find the .sock for that domain
Danny971's avatarDanny971
Im working on a todo list for my application but i keep getting the error at subject "Undefined variable $tasks" here is my code CONTROLLER public function list_task() { // Get the currently authenticated user $user = Auth::user();
thesimons's avatarthesimons
Hello, I have created subdomain in Herd using the command: herd link for a project on domain While the subdomain works, it looks like that Laravel is unable to handle the call to this subdomain: Route::domain('todo.domain
ruptha's avatarruptha
I created a web app using Laravel that sends reminder emails for medication refills to the admin email at, which is set up in Google Workspace. The app is hosted on GoDaddy, but it's not sending emails to email. It works
w0nk1's avatarw0nk1
Hi folks, I'm very new to laravel and just trying to sum a column within my pivot table of a model. How can I do that? My approach was smth. like this: public function ingredients() { return $this->belongsToMany('mixuino\Ingredient', 'ingr
ItsClassified's avatarItsClassified
I am having an issue where after migrating to vite from mix laravel echo does not seem to wrok properly. I am getting the error: "Laravel Echo cannot be found" in the console. more so a warning actually. The connection does not come trough
vincent15000's avatarvincent15000
Hello, I have still difficulty to understand the real difference between a Session and a Context. A Context seems to work exactly like a Session. Can somebody explain me ? Thanks a lot ;). V
babuyadhu's avatarbabuyadhu
What is the best approach to upgrade a Laravel project from version 5.7 to Laravel 11? Should we install a fresh Laravel 11 project and migrate our models, views, and controllers into the new setup? Or should we upgrade incrementally, moving from 5.
BladeOfGaladrial's avatarBladeOfGaladrial
I am using spatie/laravel-permission to implement RBAC on my application. I have made 2 roles (for now) namely Super Admin and Content where Super admin will have permission to do everything while Content role (with permission 'view_model') will only
sukhchain's avatarsukhchain
I am having many routes which use auth:sanctum middleware Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:sanctum']], function () { Route::get('/user', 'Api\AppController@user'); //... and so on }); Now i have one route which unauthenticated users can als
rashgang's avatarrashgang
Laravel redirecti to auth secure auth
rg83's avatarrg83
Hi, I recently enabled two factor authentication on my laravel app using Jetstream. During testing i noticed that using a recovery code to sign in actually regenerates new recovery codes. Is this normal? The user is never even notified that this happ
seanmccabe's avatarseanmccabe
I'm trying to use a seperate MySQL database for testing but it appears to just be ignoring any of the setup I've done as it keeps going to my local database and wiping everything in there. So how do I do this? I've got a .env.testing file setup with
Merklin's avatarMerklin
When having a widget on a livewire component (front-end) and I try do delete a record, I got an error: Cannot assign null to property App\Filament\Resources\ClientResource\Widgets\ClientsStats::$tableColumnSearches of type array I have use InteractsW
nikas's avatarnikas
I want to use uuid as my primary key inside of pivot table (many to many relationship). But I could not found a way to catch creating hook or something like that in my pivot table to generate uuid. How can I achieve my goal?
Nevena98's avatarNevena98
In Laravel's authentication system, when users log in and out quickly, two session files are being created instead of replacing the existing session file. Initially, when a user logs in, everything works fine. However, upon the second quick login att
Green21's avatarGreen21
I want to use Laravel Zero + Single file PHP librar (big class with various methods) . This library use custom API calls via curl (on backstage). I was wonder where put this thing because: I made http requests using this library but my app is consol
lararara's avatarlararara
So, Telescope production requires a login in order to view the page. However, using the Laravel Breeze Nextjs/API, there's no way to login except via the API. For example, if my site was Navigating to will give 403 a
starrover's avatarstarrover
Is there any way to replace state when navigate? Currently, it always push state. For example, if I call $this->redirect('/dashboard', navigate:true) after submitting a form, I want to make users not able to go back to the form by hitting the brow
munguru's avatarmunguru
i`m not sure why i keep getting this error i followed every steps from documentation but still not works. please help me out. the documentation from srmklive github docs my problem Error Class "Srmklive\PayPal\Services\PayPal" not found and
sujancse's avatarsujancse
Where to get Laracasts coupon for a lifetime subscription?
Viernes's avatarViernes
As i use User::findOrFail(); it's gives me method findOrFail not found in usr model at the User Model :- i tried -> use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder; but no hope i see it in the documentation then it suppose still working..
Kimmer's avatarKimmer
I am building a query calling a collection of track to build up a track list. There’s a bunch of relationships that go with this. A track has a song (one to one) A track has votes (one to many) A song has artists (many to many) I can call all this
mrchetan's avatarmrchetan
when I pass x-transition to a component it renders as x-transition="x-transition" How do we fix this issue it also gives an error on the console
shez1983's avatarshez1983
So i am allowing user to buy produ (adhoc). and wanting to use stripe hosted checkouts ( I am using an api with a separate frontend Here is the flow: user clicks on a button in fronten
erwinweber96's avatarerwinweber96
Hi, I have a weird situation that's been happening for about a year now. Every now and then, for some minutes, all requests who need a preflight request fail, because out of nowhere the 'access-control-allow-...' headers are missing. I tried restarti
abdullahtx's avatarabdullahtx
Hi, I have a laravel application which has one codebase, i have multiple subdomains all point to the default public_html codebase, i have made each its own and i have written logic to detect the subdomain and load the releva
oldgit's avataroldgit
I've recently taken on a project which involves updating/rewriting an exisitng but 'disappeared' site which was written in Laravel 5.1. The previous developer has lost interest but, quite generously, has provided me with the source code and a databas
danimohamadnejad's avatardanimohamadnejad
Let's assume i have following collections: $collection1 = collect([1,2,3,4]); $collection2 = collect([5,6,7,8]); $collection3 = collect([9,10,11,12]); How to use ReactPhp to process all collections concurrently like: 1,5,9,2,6,10,... instead of 1,2,
jatanbhimani's avatarjatanbhimani
I am using laravel filament and i want to develop different forms in a resoruce for create and edit. I mean that i have 5 fields when i create and i want 3 fields only while editing it not other fields. how to do it?
mstdmstd's avatarmstdmstd
Checking docs on current weather on I need to get high levels of precipitation and high UV index values I found precipitation data with description : precipitation precipitation.value Precipitation, mm. Please
abkrim's avatarabkrim
I have a problems for testing config values in a pachage developing Package TestCase.php <?php namespace Tests; use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase as BaseTestCase; abstract class TestCase extends BaseTestCase { use CreatesApplicatio
mathewparet's avatarmathewparet
I have a middleware that converts Inertia responses to non-inertia Json. This middleware is attached to all API routes. I did this so that I could have a single controller for both API and HTTP requests. It works perfectly when testing on the browser
pranavmankar's avatarpranavmankar
I am using Let's Encrypt SSL. PHP 8.3.12 — Laravel 11.29.0 In terminal after running: php artisan reverb:start --debug It shows: Starting server on ( Getting this error in the console, it works locally. WebSocket connection
rohansinghrawat's avatarrohansinghrawat
I am working with two different APIs, both using GET requests but handling request data differently: API 1 requires the data to be sent in the request body, even though the HTTP method is GET. Example: $config = [ 'method' => 'GET', 'url
Sturm's avatarSturm
TL;DR Laravel 11 now has the TrimStrings middleware built into the framework. We have an endpoint that cannot use this middleware. How can we "turn off" the TrimStrings middleware on this endpoint? More Info We're trying to use the Twilio v
ChristopherSFSD's avatarChristopherSFSD
I have the Official Laravel VS Code extension installed but it constantly errors as follows: /bin/sh: php: command not found I don't have PHP installed on the host but I do have it installed in a Docker container. Can I tell VS Code or the Official
SamuelNitsche's avatarSamuelNitsche
Hi there I am currently in a situation where I have to fake a http response in a test. The response needs to change in the middle of a test. I tried to simply call the "fake" method again and overwrite the response. This unfortunately doesn